About Us

Restoration Life Center Allentown Pa

Our Story

Restoration Life Center Tiffany LampFor 13 years I had the awesome privilege to lead a very fruitful Women’s Ministry at my local church, Lifechurch in Allentown, PA.  It was during those times in full time women’s ministry that I realized helping broken and hurt women restore their lives would be part of my own personal journey and life purpose.

As women, we have become pros at masking our deep seeded wounds, shame, pain, and brokenness.  It’s time to be transparent and honest about what’s really going on inside our souls.  I’d like to ask you, not how you’re doing, but “How’s your soul?  Only you can answer that question.  

The truth is you have to live with yourself each and every day.  I know that’s not very profound, but it’s the TRUTH!  Are you content with your life ?  Are you comfortable in your “own skin”, or are you allowing your past mistakes and hurts to identify who your are?  Your value?  Your self-worth?  

Unfortunately, there are many women living with their secret wounds for far too long and have allowed them to identify who they are.  Living the life of a victim will cause you to miss out on the fullness of God’s plans and purposes for YOU!  

We know it’s not easy finding true and trusted friends, and we believe that it’s God’s will for you to be able to roll out any part of your life without shame attached to it. Now, that’s real FREEDOM!

Our desire is to create a safe and trusted atmosphere that will help and assist you in discovering your value, self-worth, and life purpose. A place where you will not feel judged or marginalized for any violations that may have happened to you, or any wrong choices you may have made along the way.

Your past or any decisions you’ve made should not determine your future or your INDENITY.  You may not be where you want to be in life, but as you take time to reflect on your journey hopefully you too can echo, “I’m not where I use to be either”. . .

Sometimes in life we just have to get tired of the way things are and make a conscious decision to change the choices we make.  There is HOPE!  Your story is not over yet, and there are more chapters to be written… Won’t you consider allowing us to help you turn the page and write an amazing chapter of healing that you can add to your story. . . NOW is the time to celebrate who you were meant to be and WIN at LIFE!!

It is because of this that I launched the Restoration Life Center . . .

Ruth Alpha Signature

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