The Healing Journey

Healing Journey Biblical Path Freedom Allentown

Healing Journey Class


A 29-week comprehensive Bible Study designed for women and men who want to learn God’s principles for healing. While there are many aspects of the class, it is primarily a Bible study that gives people the opportunity to personally process the painful events of their life. Everyone will benefit from taking this class. Not only does it provide an extremely effective and proven environment for healing any kind of mental, emotional, or spiritual wound, it also works on our false beliefs, victim behavior and much more.


Curriculum Outline

Unit I. Egypt—A Place of Pain and Suffering

Unit II. Living as My Own God

Unit III. The Peak Perspective Class

Unit IV. The Life of the Victim Class

Unit V. Journey to the Promised Land

Unit VI. The Destination—A Life that Worships God Class

Unit VII. Victorious Living in the Promised Land


Healing Journey Testimonies



Each week

Cyndy Sherwood presents a lesson, based on scripture, which deals with one aspect of the healing process. The curriculum outline provides a detailed description of the individual classes. After viewing the DVD lesson, participants break out into small groups of 5-7 people led by a trained facilitator. During the small group time, participants process the truths of the lesson as they apply to their personal lives. Class participants are led through each of the healing steps and invited to take the steps in their own lives.

The Healing Journey Student’s Manual is the curriculum for the class. The manual includes an outline for each lesson, weekly homework assignments called Mid-Week Journey Steps, and many processing tools.

There are different reasons for coming to the class, but the primary one is to heal from past or current emotional, mental or spiritual wounds. Most of the students taking the class need healing in one area of their life or another. Additionally, people take it because they desire to have a closer and more real relationship with God. Others take it in order to be better equipped to help others that are hurting. There are lots of good reasons for taking the journey.

Restoration Life Center Allentown Pa Group

6 Goals of The Healing Journey Class

  • A peaceful mind that knows the truth.
  • A heart that is whole, healed and filled with peace, joy and hope.

So that I can enjoy;

  • Being in an intimate relationship with God.
  • Being the person God made me to be.

Only then can I;

  • Relate to people through grace, mercy, honesty, truth and love.
  • Serve in God’s kingdom from a heart that worships him.

Main Themes of the Class

  • Understanding our beliefs, shedding false beliefs and embracing the Truth.
  • Understanding how we have become our own god trusting in ourselves for our provision, protection and power.
  • Understanding how and why our perspectives are different from Gods.
  • Understanding our victim identities and how to be transformed to be victorious.
  • Understanding the steps to freedom from our wounds.
  • Understanding how to live as victorious people.

Issues Benefiting From The Healing Journey

  • Abandonment , Abortion, Addictions,
  • Sexual orientation , Self-hatred / Rejection, Anger,
  • Divorce, Difficult relationships, Criminal activity,
  • Unforgiveness, Abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual),
  • MPD, Poor self-image, Lost loved ones, Incest
  • Adoption, Shame, Bitterness


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